Meghan has always been a lover of art. Ever since she could remember, creativity has been a strong point in her identity. Therefore, it just made sense for Meghan to leverage her artistic talents so that she could not only land herself in a career that she is good at, but also one that she enjoys. Originally, Meghan studied Architecture as a Freshman because she believed that it is a lucrative job that would allow her to be creative. However, she soon switched into graphic design because (not only was she terrible at math and physics) but she also realized that it allowed her to channel more of her passions for technology, communication, and fine art while having the ability to make an impact in a community. This impact could be challenging social constructs, or even giving a small non-profit the recognition it needs and deserves to succeed. When it comes to personal style, Meghan is very adaptable in aesthetics. However, she is fond of designs that are quirky or, might she say, aggressively attention-grabbing.
Mason Bee Haven // Senior Thesis
In recent years, the world has experienced a severe decline in bee populations. However, due to the fact that bees are extremely important in the process of pollinating crops and countless types of wild foliage, their decline is a cause for concern. Although multiple companies and organizations have developed campaigns that are focused on the improvement of bee survival rates, most (if not all) are dedicated to the Honey Bee – which is a species already carefully managed by apiarists.
Mason Bee Haven recognizes the imbalance in representation of bee species decline. It also recognizes the fact that Mason Bees are in a greater danger of species collapse due to the fact that these bees are not regularly managed. Therefore, it was created with the intent of improving survival rates specifically for the Mason Bee. Mason Bee Haven encourages others to make small changes in their outdoor areas in order to create safe havens for our wild pollinators. Those who wish to participate are offered information on safe gardening practices through the project’s website. Most importantly, this project offers the opportunity for participants to also purchase a Mason Bee House.
The Mason Bee House was designed to be utilized as a sort of home for bees, and you may have seen a similar product before. Mason Bee houses (or bee hotels) are already produced and sold by various manufacturers. However, research has proven that the majority of bee houses on the market are not safe for bees due to using the wrong materials such as plastic and metal, or for neglecting to provide adequate care instructions. For this reason, Mason Bee Haven has developed a safe and effective Mason Bee House. This product is constructed strictly from safe materials for bees. Maintenance instructions are included with every Mason Bee House purchase, and they are also provided on the project website. Those who purchase one are expected to dedicate a couple of hours per year in order to maintain it and keep it clean. This way, Mason Bees will have a much greater opportunity to thrive in nature.
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